We want to process as little personal information as possible when you use our website. That's why we've chosen Fathom Analytics for our website analytics, which doesn't use cookies and complies with the GDPR, ePrivacy (including PECR), COPPA and CCPA. Using this privacy-friendly website analytics software, your IP address is only briefly processed, and we (running this website) have no way of identifying you. As per the CCPA, your personal information is de-identified. You can read more about this on Fathom Analytics' website.
The purpose of us using this software is to understand our website traffic in the most privacy-friendly way possible so that we can continually improve our website and business. The lawful basis as per the GDPR is "Article 6(1)(f); where our legitimate interests are to improve our website and business continually." As per the explanation, no personal data is stored over time.
Who holds your data? We use a company called Beehiiv to both manage our email list and to automatically send out our newsletters. Your data is held by Beehiiv and not by Solarcrowd Limited. By signing up to our email list, you consent to us passing your data to Mailchimp. Your data may be held outside the UK and European Union.
What do we do with your data? Your email address is only used for sending our newsletters. Occasionally, this may include articles sponsored by external companies. We do not rent our list to third-parties.
What data do we hold? The only data we request is your email address.
What usage data is collected? Beehiiv tracks how many of our emails you open and whether you click on any links. We only use this data to identify and delete accounts which are no longer active, eg a work email address where the employee has left the company. Beehiiv also tracks what device you use to read your emails in order to use the most suitable mailing format.
How can you unsubscribe? You may unsubscribe at any point by using the link included in all of our emails. Emails will cease immediately.
How can I get a copy of my Beehiiv data? Use our contact form on our website via the email address you use for our emails and we will send you a screenshot of your Beehiiv profile.
Other data protection
Here are links to our other data collection policies:
Training bookings and enquiries – information regarding how we use your data when you book a training course.
We partner with Stripe, a well-known payment processor. They handle your sensitive card information, we do not see this. We receive confirmation of payments, billing address and information to contact you like email and phone. We pass this information to the course provider: MBC Renewables Limited only for fulfilment of the course (i.e. to send you course documents and links).
Embedded content – occasionally articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website. These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.
Advertising – all advertising on Solar Crowd is directly sold and served by us. We do not use third party advertising vendors such as Google Adsense. We do not use cookies to serve personalised advertising – all readers are shown the same advertising banners. On occasion some readers may be shown a blank space instead of an ad if they are outside the UK.
Page counts – Fathom Analytics may place a cookie on your device in order to count the number of page views to the site. This is allowed under UK and European privacy legislation as long as the information is not used for any other purpose such as retargetting, which it is not. In future, similar cookies may be placed by Quantcast and Comscore which provide verified page view counts to the advertising industry.
Affiliate partner cookies – some of our affiliate partners will place a cookie on your device when you click through to a third-party website from Solar Crowd. Unless you receive a pop-up notice to the contrary, this is done under a ‘legitimate interest’ defence because it is required to track referrals to advertiser websites and ensures that we are paid for referring you. ‘Legitimate interest’ is acceptable because the data is not used to build behavioural user profiles, behaviourally profile or market for any other purposes. You can learn more about this approach here from AWin, one of our affiliate partners.
Some links on Solar Crowd, which take you to external websites, are affiliate links. This means that we may receive a commission if you subsequently make a purchase from that merchant.
The use of affiliate links helps fund what is a professional function. Advertising revenue alone cannot generate enough money to support the site, especially with the increased use of ad blocking software.
Because it is technically difficult for us to identify every individual affiliate link, you should assume that any link on this site may be an affiliate link even though only a fraction are.
It is our honest view that affiliate links have no impact on the editorial content of the site. The long-term success of Solar Crowd is based on attracting and keeping readers and this will only happen if the material we produce is seen as independent and trustworthy.
If we have affiliate links for particular companies covered in an article then we include them. If we don’t, we run the article anyway. Our primary concern is to bring you the best UK solar industry news each day.
We occasionally run sponsored articles. These are clearly marked and are always written by the Solar Crowd team to our usual editorial standards.
We clearly disclose if any partners mentioned or reviewed on the site provided their services for free. If there is no disclosure you should assume that the product or service was transacted in the normal way.
In many cases our affiliate arrangement only covers selected products or services. Not every purchase made after clicking through to one of these companies will generate a commission.
Solarcrowd Limited, 1 Market Hill, Calne, Swindon SN11 0BT, United Kingdom.
We want to process as little personal information as possible when you use our website. That's why we've chosen Fathom Analytics for our website analytics, which doesn't use cookies and complies with the GDPR, ePrivacy (including PECR), COPPA and CCPA. Using this privacy-friendly website analytics software, your IP address is only briefly processed, and we (running this website) have no way of identifying you. As per the CCPA, your personal information is de-identified. You can read more about this on Fathom Analytics' website.
The purpose of us using this software is to understand our website traffic in the most privacy-friendly way possible so that we can continually improve our website and business. The lawful basis as per the GDPR is "Article 6(1)(f); where our legitimate interests are to improve our website and business continually." As per the explanation, no personal data is stored over time.
Who holds your data? We use a company called Beehiivto both manage our email list and to automatically send out ournewsletters. Your data is held by Beehiiv and not by SolarcrowdLimited. By signing up to our email list, you consent to us passingyour data to Mailchimp. Your data may be held outside the UK and EuropeanUnion.
What do we do with your data? Your emailaddress is only used for sending our newsletters. Occasionally, this mayinclude articles sponsored by external companies. We do not rent our listto third parties.
What data do we hold? The only data werequest is your email address.
What usage data is collected? Beehiiv trackshow many of our emails you open and whether you click on any links. Weonly use this data to identify and delete accounts which are no longer active,eg a work email address where the employee has left the company. Beehiivalso tracks what device you use to read your emails in order to use the mostsuitable mailing format.
How can you unsubscribe? You mayunsubscribe at any point by using the link included in all of our emails. Emails will cease immediately.
How can I get a copy of my Beehiiv data? Use our contact form on our website via the email address you use for our emailsand we will send you a screenshot of your Beehiiv profile.
Other data protection
Here are links to our other data collection policies:
Training bookings and enquiries – information regarding how we use your data when you book a training course.
We partner with Stripe, a well-known payment processor. They handle your sensitive card information, we do not see this. We receive confirmation of payments, billing address and information to contact you like email and phone. We pass this information to the course provider: MBC Renewables Limited only for fulfilment of the course (i.e. to send you course documents and links).
Embedded content – occasionally articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website. These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.
Advertising – all advertising on Solar Crowd is directly sold and served by us. We do not use third party advertising vendors such as Google Adsense. We do not use cookies to serve personalised advertising – all readers are shown the same advertising banners. On occasion some readers may be shown a blank space instead of an ad if they are outside the UK.
Page counts – Fathom Analytics may place a cookie on your device in order to count the number of page views to the site. This is allowed under UK and European privacy legislation as long as the information is not used for any other purpose such as retargetting, which it is not. In future, similar cookies may be placed by Quantcast and Comscore which provide verified page view counts to the advertising industry.
Affiliate partner cookies – some of our affiliate partners will place a cookie on your device when you click through to a third-party website from Solar Crowd. Unless you receive a pop-up notice to the contrary, this is done under a ‘legitimate interest’ defence because it is required to track referrals to advertiser websites and ensures that we are paid for referring you. ‘Legitimate interest’ is acceptable because the data is not used to build behavioural user profiles, behaviourally profile or market for any other purposes. You can learn more about this approach here from AWin, one of our affiliate partners.
Some links on Solar Crowd, which takeyou to external websites, are affiliate links. This means that wemay receive a commission if you subsequently make a purchase from thatmerchant.
The use of affiliate links helps fund what is a professionalfunction. Advertising revenue alone cannot generate enough money to support thesite, especially with the increased use of ad blocking software.
Because it is technically difficult for us toidentify every individual affiliate link, you should assume that any linkon this site may be an affiliate link even though only a fraction are.
It is our honest view that affiliate links have noimpact on the editorial content of the site. The long-term successof Solar Crowd is based on attracting and keeping readers andthis will only happen if the material we produce is seen as independent andtrustworthy.
If we have affiliate links for particular companiescovered in an article then we include them. If we don’t, we run thearticle anyway. Our primary concern is to bring you the best UK solarindustry news each day.
We occasionally run sponsored articles. These are clearly marked and are always written by the Solar Crowd team toour usual editorial standards.
We clearly disclose if any partners mentioned or reviewedon the site provided their services for free. If there is no disclosureyou should assume that the product or service was transacted in the normal way.
In many cases our affiliate arrangement onlycovers selected products or services. Not every purchase made afterclicking through to one of these companies will generate a commission.